Sherman Oaks Dental

Dr. Bryan Weyneth

1100 N. Sherman Ave., Suite 103
Naperville, IL 60563

Lumineers Vs. Veneers

Some say your smile is the easiest thing you can change to look and feel more attractive! Many of us look at actors and their perfect, flawless teeth and wish we could borrow their smiles for a little while! In today’s modern world, getting a perfect, flawless smile is more accessible than we realize. Lumineers and veneers are gaining in popularity thanks to their ease and affordability over more invasive dental correction procedures. Both are made of thin material that looks like a natural tooth. They adhere to your teeth and can correct many cosmetic issues like cracks, gaps, chips, stains, and more.

Lumineers vs. Veneers

Dr. Weyneth, our Naperville cosmetic dentist, has many years of experience placing veneers and lumineers, and can help you decide which is better for your needs.

Lumineers Vs. Veneers

Everyone has different teeth. Depending on your specific needs, either lumineers or veneers may be the best option for you. Let’s talk a little bit about what makes each option similar as well as unique.

Both Lumineers and Veneers

  • Improve the look of crooked, misaligned teeth.
  • Give you a whiter, brighter, cleaner smile.
  • Cover a cracked or chipped tooth.
  • Made of a layer of strong porcelain.
  • Bridge gaps between teeth.
  • Feel comfortable and look natural.
  • Tough enough to handle daily use.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Won’t stain or change color with time.
  • Custom-made to create a seamless smile.
  • Come with a similar price tag.

The Differences


Lumineers are similar in function to veneers. But, the procedure is less invasive. The original tooth is left unchanged, and the enamel undamaged. Generally, they’re about the thickness of a contact lens, but still strong and durable. This less invasive approach to correcting teeth is the reason many of our patients prefer it over veneers. They may look and feel slightly bulkier when compared to veneers. It’s essential that you find a dentist who has the experience necessary to give you a smile that looks good and feels good. Finally, Lumineers are quicker to apply than veneers because the teeth are not shaved down before applying the new layer.


Veneers require some removal and reshaping of the original tooth (or teeth). Generally, your Naperville cosmetic dentist removes enamel to leave enough room for the veneer. As a long-term solution, this permanent removal of enamel may be concerning, but for specific scenarios, it can be precisely what the patient needs to restore their smile. Veneers can usually be applied in two or three visits. When applied by an experienced cosmetic dentist, they look and feel like your natural teeth, and can last for 10-15 years.

If you are looking for lumineers or cosmetic dentistry in Naperville, we would love to visit with you! Lumineers are an exciting part of what we do here, and we have some of the best lumineer and veneer options in Naperville. Call us now to schedule a consultation!

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